nail fold definition anatomy

Do you know where your cuticle is? It probably isn’t where you think! In this article, we cover some basic nail anatomy, and show you what the different parts of your nail are called, as well as discuss a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to caring for your nails.

The eponychium sheds thin, colourless layers of skin cells as the nail grows out, and it’s these loose thin cells that stick to the nail plate that are the true cuticle (not the eponychium). During a manicure, your nail technician will remove this layer of transparent skin cells, to improve the adhesion of your polish or enhancement to your nail. See EPONYCHIUM for more info.

Eponychium - Nail Fold Definition Anatomy

The epidermis is the outer most layer of your skin. This is the part that you can see and feel on your fingers.

Proximal Nail Fold: Pictures, Function, Care, And Medical Concerns

The eponychium is often what most people call their cuticle, yet it is not the true cuticle. The eponychium is actually a part of the proximal nail fold, and it’s purpose is to form a seal between your nail plate and the proximal nail fold, to prevent bacteria and dirt from entering your body. If the eponychium’s seal is broken, lifted, cut or removed completely, this can expose you to bacteria, which could in turn lead to an infection. Never let anyone “cut your cuticles”, and don’t be tempted to pick this skin off, if it’s dry, rather treat the dryness with a cuticle oil or nourishing hand cream. See CUTICLE for more.

Also known as the DISTAL EDGE. This is the part of your nail plate that grows out above the tip of your finger. It is “free” and not still attached to the nail bed.

The hyponychium is the thickened layer of epidermis (skin) that lies right at the tip of your finger, snuggled up against the underside of your nail plate. The FREE EDGE starts where the hyponychium ends.

Pdf) Nail Physiology And Grooming

The lateral nail folds are the ends of the fleshy side parts of your finger that surround the sides of each nail. They are extensions of the PROXIMAL NAIL FOLD, and they protect the sides of your nail from trauma and bacterial infection.

The lunula is the half moon that appears at the base of the nail. Not all nails lunula’s are visible, they are often hidden underneath the eponychium. Lunula’s are usually most noticeable on the thumbs and big toes.

The matrix is also known as the matrix bed or the nail root. This is where the nail is formed, and where the NAIL PLATE grows out from. Damage caused by trauma to the matrix is permanent and will often result in the nail plate growing out with white spots (from bumping the matrix), or deep grooves (from permanent matrix damage).

Anatomy, Bony Pelvis And Lower Limb: Toe Nails Article

The nail bed is the layer of skin beneath the nail plate. It’s this layer that nourishes the nail plate and provides it with everything it needs (oxygen, blood supply, nutrients, etc).

The nail plate is the part of your nail that you can see, feel, touch and often apply nail polish to. It is made up of the same keratin cells as your hair.

The proximal nail fold is the end of the fleshy part of your finger at the base of your nail. This fold of soft tissue protects the delicate new cells of the emerging nail plate, as your nail grows out.Not only is the general public confused about the names for the parts of the natural nail, but many nail technicians are not able to name the various major parts and know their function.

NAIL ANATOMY - Nail Fold Definition Anatomy

Nail Anatomy And Physiology Made Easy

A bluish-white, opaquearea that is visible through the nail plate. This area is the front part of the nail matrix. Sometimes, it’s called the “moon.”

Since it is the exposed portion of the matrix, this area is not protected by the eponychium. It is easy bruisedwith every day life tasks.

Living skin at the base of the nail plate that covers the matrix area. This should NOT be confused with the “cuticle”.

Nail Matrix: What It Is, Function, Damage & Conditions

The proximal fold is a required guardian seal that prevents germs and bacteria from getting to the nail matrix, where new cells are created.

I always know when girls are cutting. Their entire cuticle line is red and inflamed. Basically, their eponychium is infected all the time.

Nail Anatomy - Nail Fold Definition Anatomy

The best way to keep this skin soft and tight to the nail plate is with a high quality, jojoba wax ester basedpenetrating nail and cuticle oil.

Nail Biology And Nail Science

A thin layer of dead tissue riding on the nail plate to form a seal between the nail plate and eponychium to prevent pathogens from infecting the matrix area.

Since polish and nail enhancements don’t bond to skin on the nail plate, the cuticle should be properly removed with gentle scraping only.

Not everyone’s matrix is the same size. People with thin nails have a small matrix and will have less than 50layers. People with thicknails have a large matrix and have more than 50layers.

Nail Anatomy. Longitudinal Cross Section Demonstrating The Close...

The soft, pink tissue that sits underneath and supports the nail plate while it grows. The nail bed should NOT be confused with the nail “plate”.

Proximal Nail Fold: Pictures, Function, Care, And Medical Concerns - Nail Fold Definition Anatomy

A soft tissue seal underneath the extended “free” edge of the nail plate whose purpose is to prevent pathogens from infecting the nail bed.

When looking at your bare nails, you can see this darker band of skin right before your nail plate leaves the nail bed to become your free edge.

Nail Anatomy Or Nail Parts Diagram

A thin layer of dead tissue riding on the nail plate to form a seal between the nail plate and hyponychium to prevent pathogens from infecting the nail bed.

Bone supports and shapes both the nail matrix and nail bed. The flat or curved shape of your nails is determined by the shape of your fingertip bone.

Knowing your nail anatomy is important for the home manicurist and can actually help you find an excellent nail professional if you’re wanting to be pampered.

 - Nail Fold Definition Anatomy

Definition & Meaning Of \\

If she shows you nippers instead of a spoon shaped remover or curette, you’ll know to politely walk out and find someone new.


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